Monday, December 26


Oh my gosh, I love love love it! I'm a cancer (♋) as my birthday is on July 21st and I love this astrology report by Susan Miller, especially the photo to go with it. It has a calm laid back theme, and I have a feeling (i hope) that this year is going to be a great one. 

You've done an admirable job at putting all the most important pieces of your career in place during the first half of 2011 while Jupiter moved through your house of fame and honours. Now the momentum you built will guide you rapidly forward. Uranus, which entered your lofty tenth house of career success in March 2011, will bring you many surprises from now through 2019. Under this once-in-a-lifetime visit for Uranus you will have the power to become quite famous in your industry, so hold on to your hat, dear Cancer. Work you hard and smart, and you’ll be going places. 

Evidence of the type of career surprise that Uranus might deliver could come up near 22-24 March this year, when Uranus and the Sun conjoin in your house of career reputation. A point in the year when a surprise career could come up and thrill you will be 20-23 July. These will be a dazzling set of days when you will almost certainly get good news, and what does develop will come as a result of the efforts of a friend. In the early part of 2012, from January through mid-June, you will have Jupiter in Taurus in your eleventh house, which rules, among other things, profits from efforts made from hard work into ventures in the previous months. Many of the efforts you made to secure your career last year will pay off this year, and you should see financial gain.

Financially, things are looking up in a big way. You will breathe a sigh of relief once Neptune leaves your house of joint finances on 3 February. If you hope to see a substantial rise in income, circle the several days the proceed 13 May as excellent to see results, thanks to Jupiter’s proximity to the Sun. Also, be ready to ask for a raise on or just after 1 August, a brilliant new moon in your earned income sector. In case you are curious, Neptune will be in Pisces, his home place, and in a fellow water sign like yours, you will see the best qualities of Neptune emerge, that of inspiration. No one alive today has ever experienced Neptune in Pisces, as the last time Neptune visited this sign it was 1847 to 1862. As you see, this will be something new for everyone, of every sign! Neptune will remain until 2026, long enough to set up one of the important themes to your life.

In matters of love and fun, the move of Jupiter to Taurus in the first half of 2012 may be the answer to your prayers. While up until now you may feel all you've done is work, from now on, it will be time for you to play. Late April, after the new moon 21 April, will announce a light and social time for you that will extend into the first half of May. 12-13 May will bring the luckiest day of the year, linking Jupiter to the Sun in your eleventh house of friendship/ people /events so you may be attending quite a party near that date! Although you will travel quite a bit, mostly for work, see if you can schedule a vacation in early March or in mid-November for doing so would fan the fires of romance. After Jupiter moves into Gemini, you may have special luck with a blind date, so if a friend suggests she make an introduction on your behalf, enthusiastically accept. Circle 8 November as an exceptionally happy day to schedule that blind date! November may also turn out to be a major month for mixing romance and travel. Thanks to an outstandingly friendly solar eclipse in Scorpio on 13 November you may go quite unexpectedly – and be amazed to find that love blossoms as a result.

You have come through a storm of challenges, dear Cancer. Soon you will feel the warm sunlight on your face. With possibilities for romance and new friendships on the horizon, along with career breakthroughs and a better financial picture shaping up, you have every reason to be excited. Welcome 2012 with open arms. In so many ways, you’ll soon have proof positive that life is about to get much better than it’s been in a long time!